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Corporate Governance


Compliance awareness month

Compliance Awareness Month is held every November as a training month for compliance-related training, with the aim of raising compliance awareness and acquiring knowledge among SoftBank Group employees. As part of this, we conduct compliance tests to self-diagnose basic knowledge and understanding of compliance.

Establishment of a hotline (internal reporting and suggestion system)

In order to discover compliance issues early, make improvements, and prevent recurrence, we have established multiple internal and external points of contact for all executives and employees working in our group to consult and report. In response to consultations and reports, we conduct timely and appropriate investigations and take necessary measures after confirming the facts. At these points of contact, the confidentiality of consultations and whistleblowers is strictly maintained, and disadvantageous treatment of those seeking consultation and reporting is prohibited. The counter can also be used anonymously.

Guidelines for Political Contributions

Based on the Officers and Employees Compliance Code (9. Relations with politics and government), SBT Group makes donations to political parties or political funding organizations as part of its social contribution activities in order to maintain "fair relationships with politics and government." Recognizing this, we comply with related laws and regulations such as the Political Funds Control Act and the Public Offices Election Act, and prohibit illegal donations such as bribery, donations that lead to collusion with politics, purchases of party tickets, and other similar acts. Doing.

In addition, entertainment and gifts to domestic and foreign public officials are also subject to criminal law (bribery).
We take care not to violate laws and regulations related to the Unfair Competition Prevention Act and public servant ethics.


ESG Related Materials

We publish our ESG-related materials.


Governance links in SoftBank Group

Please see the following for SoftBank Group 's governance-related pages.


Sustainability Initiatives