SBT utilizes the latest technology, including cloud, security, data, and AI, to support our clients' businesses in a wide range of fields. Our personnel system provides a mechanism for diverse experience and the growth of each employee.
Career support to help employees become technical professional

- Choice of career paths
● Management Domain and Professional Domain
●If the grade is the same, there is no difference in salary depending on the domain - Career support that supports continued growth
●1on1 (once a month), internal recruitment system (all year round)
●Career survey (twice a year) - Start-up support immediately after joining the company - Mentor system -
●Both new graduates and mid-career employees are eligible for mentor follow-up
●Meeting for 30 minutes or more once a month
A variety of training systems that support employee growth

- A variety of training programs to support employee growth
●Support for obtaining qualifications
●SoftBank University/ SoftBank Academia - Educational programs tailored to the growth stage of employees
● New employee training, young technical training
●Management training, pre-management training, leadership training
Evaluation system that allows you to take on challenges regardless of age/year

- Mission Grading System
●A total of 6 levels of grades depending on the mission level
● Six areas where individual expertise can be utilized - Job Type
●There are 14 job classifications in the engineering/marketing/sales area
● Mission definitions for each of the 20 job types and grades - Evaluation system that accelerates growth speed
●Grade evaluation is conducted twice a year regardless of age and year
●Evaluate results and processes separately