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Training and Development

Training/human resources development system

By creating a system that allows employees to independently advance their careers toward their own career goals, we support the further growth of each individual employee.

Training/human resources development system

A variety of training systems that support employee growth

More than 200 qualification acquisition support systems centered on IT qualifications

We actively support an environment where employees can acquire qualifications for their own growth.

We have identified over 200 key qualifications that are in line with the company's business, and provide subsidies for exam fees and acquisition of qualifications.
In addition, employees can take up to five days of paid leave (Skills development leave) per year to study for qualifications or to take exams.

SoftBank University and SoftBank Academia are places where you can learn from a wide range of perspectives and take on challenges

SoftBank University/ SoftBank Academia

It is possible to participate in various training programs developed throughout SoftBank Group.

SoftBank University will be a place where employees can learn the core skills necessary for SoftBank Group together with employees from various group companies.
In addition, SoftBank Academia, which aims to discover and nurture successors to Masayoshi Son, will be a program in which not only will lectures be taught by Son himself, the school's first principal, but participants will also evaluate each other's work and practice hard to improve themselves.

Educational programs tailored to the growth stage of employees

We support the acquisition of necessary skills according to each stage.

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Grade Training name Program example
Management level M/P or higher Management Training
(Beginner to advanced)
  • Management practice
  • Basic knowledge of management and supervisory positions (compliance, evaluator, finance, 1on1, etc.)
  • Improvement of conceptual skills
General level C Pre-management Training
  • management principles
  • Team management
  • Problem solving
L Leadership Training
  • Leadership/Followership
D Training for Young Employees
  • Critical thinking
  • Presentation
  • Cloud architect
  • Information Security Measures
  • UI/UX
New Employee Training
  • Understanding the company
  • Business mindset/manner/skills
  • IT Infrastructure
  • Cloud
  • Programming/System development exercise
  • DR: Director SM: Senior Manager M: Manager E: Advanced Professional SP: Senior Professional P: Professional C: Chief