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We aim to realize a sustainable society by leveraging our strengths in cloud computing, security, data, and AI to address social issues through our business.

Concept of Sustainability

CEO Message

The challenges and changes surrounding us, such as the rapid digitalization of society, changes in the world's values and lifestyles due to the new Coronavirus, and efforts toward a decarbonized society, are not limited to our own countries but are becoming global, and we are working in collaboration with various stakeholders. What is important is how we face the challenges.

At SB Technology, we have been contributing to the realization of a prosperous information society through the provision of ICT services, with the management philosophy of "Information Revolution - Happiness for everyone - Creating the future with the power of technology -." 

We believe that it is important to leverage the strengths we have cultivated over the years in "Cloud" and "Security" in our sustainability activities. For example, we are considering contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by promoting the use of the cloud through highly electrically efficient data centers, and contributing to a stable social infrastructure by providing security technology in an advanced information society. This is a theme that we have identified as our materiality.

With the vision of ` generating New Value to the World by Leading Technologies and Creativeness with Style and Opportunity-full Culture,' SB Technology strives to address social issues by supporting our customers' businesses. We aim to realize a sustainable society through our business activities and corporate activities.

Photo of Representative Director and CEO, Shinichi Ata

ESG Related Materials

We publish our ESG-related materials.