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Future Outlook

Statements about our company's plans, strategies, financial forecasts, and other future predictions posted on this website are based on the judgments of our management based on information available as of the date of creation. Actual results may differ from these forecasts due to risks and uncertain factors.

Investment Decisions

This website is not intended to solicit investment, so we ask users to make investment decisions based on their own judgment.


Documents, illustrations, logos, photos, videos, software, etc. on this website are protected by intellectual property rights and other rights owned by our company or third parties. Our company does not license intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.


- Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content posted on this website, there is a possibility that errors may occur in the information due to human tampering by a third party, mechanical defects due to equipment malfunction, or other force majeure events. Please also note that the published contents may be revised, changed, or abolished without prior notice. Please note that our company will not be held responsible even if the user suffers damage due to this information.

-The information posted on this website may become inaccurate due to the passage of time or changes to future prospects, but the Company is under no obligation to update such information.

-This website contains links to websites operated by parties other than our company, but our company does not guarantee the information posted on such linked websites. Please use such linked websites at your own risk.