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We propose optimal solutions for each customer in fields such as cloud, security, IoT, and big data.
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SB Technology launches Prisma Access monitoring service
- Enables secure connection from anywhere, while providing optimal security operations tailored to each customer's environment and manned monitoring by security analysts 24/7/365 -
[Service] OnePortal Modern releases new feature "Real-time notifications to Teams"
[Service] dailyAI releases new features "Company-wide prompt registration" and "Company file (RAG) default storage"
SB Technology Achieves Number One Share in the SIEM Operations Services and Microsoft 365 Monitoring and Operations Services Markets in a Survey Report Issued by Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC
Notice regarding the implementation of paid leave encouragement days and Premium Friday (leave work at 3 p.m.) in 2024
SB Technology launches Prisma Access monitoring service
- Enables secure connection from anywhere, while providing optimal security operations tailored to each customer's environment and manned monitoring by security analysts 24/7/365 -
SB Technology Achieves Number One Share in the SIEM Operations Services and Microsoft 365 Monitoring and Operations Services Markets in a Survey Report Issued by Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC
Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, uses "Smart at Municipal DX," a kintone business package for municipalities provided by M-SOLUTIONS
Shima City, Mie Prefecture, introduced kintone's business package and reduced work hours by approximately 625 hours per year in "general consultation work"
Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd. 2025 New Year's Greetings
Notice regarding personnel changes
Notice regarding changes in executive officers
Notice regarding changes in directors and Corporate Auditor
Notice of delisting of our shares
Notice regarding personnel changes
[Service] OnePortal Modern releases new feature "Real-time notifications to Teams"
[Service] dailyAI releases new features "Company-wide prompt registration" and "Company file (RAG) default storage"
Notice regarding the implementation of paid leave encouragement days and Premium Friday (leave work at 3 p.m.) in 2024
Livestock remote medical care service "Animalook" selected as one of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' "Top 10 Agricultural Technology News of 2024"
[Service] dailyAI releases new feature "OCR processing for uploaded files" as standard feature