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System responsible for the operation and management of public research costs

Our company will appropriately operate and manage public research funds under the following responsibility system, and will prevent unauthorized use of public research funds and misconduct in research activities.

Chief administrative officer Representative Director President & CEO
As the company's chief executive officer, has ultimate responsibility for the operation and management of public research funds.
General manager Senior Director of Public Sector Div. As the general manager, assists the chief administrative officer and has substantial responsibility and authority to supervise the entire system regarding the operation and management of contract research funds, etc.
Compliance Promotion Officer Each Senior Manager of Public Sector Div. 
As the compliance promotion officer, under the general manager, has substantial responsibility and authority for the operation and management of contract research funds, etc.

■Consultation desk regarding rules regarding public research funds
SB Technology Corp. Public Sector Div.
E-mail: sbt-kouteki@tech.softbank.co.jp

■Report desk for unauthorized use of public research funds and misconduct in research activities
SB Technology Corp. Compliance Department
E-mail: sbt-compliance@tech.softbank.co.jp

The department in charge of compliance will respond with due consideration to the protection of whistleblowers.