2021 Notice regarding year-end and New Year business days, paid leave incentive days, and business hours
Our evangelist Hiroyuki Sekiguchi will be on stage at “Type&” (held on Thursday, December 9, 2021)
Regarding the outbreak of new coronavirus infection among our employees (August 2021)
Regarding the outbreak of new coronavirus infection among our employees (July 2021)
Regarding the outbreak of new coronavirus infection among our employees (June 2021)
Regarding the outbreak of new coronavirus infection among our employees (May 2021)
Regarding live streaming and advance question reception at the 33rd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Announcement of opening of Toyama Development Center
Regarding the outbreak of new coronavirus infection among our employees (April 2021)
Sustainability page has been published
Regarding the outbreak of new coronavirus infection among our employees (February 2021)