Notice regarding confirmation of issuance details of stock acquisition rights (tax-qualified stock options)
Notice regarding the status of acquisition of treasury stock
(Acquisition of treasury stock based on the provisions of the articles of incorporation pursuant to the provisions of Article 165, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act)
第34期 有価証券報告書 掲載
Notice regarding the issuance of stock acquisition rights (tax-qualified stock options)
Notice regarding issuance of new shares as restricted stock compensation
Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholders, etc.
第34期 定時株主総会決議ご通知 掲載
第34期 株主通信を掲載しました
Notice regarding the status of acquisition of treasury stock
(Acquisition of treasury stock based on the provisions of the articles of incorporation pursuant to the provisions of Article 165, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act)
2022年3月期 本決算 決算説明資料を掲載しました
Notice regarding the difference between full-year individual results and previous fiscal year results
2022年3月期 本決算 決算短信を掲載しました
Notice regarding organizational changes and personnel changes
Notice regarding determination of director candidates
2022年3月期 第3四半期 決算説明資料を掲載しました