First Japanese company to win in the SharePoint category of Microsoft Awards (according to our own research)
Won the Partner of the Year Award for the second consecutive year among partner companies around the world
First among Asian companies! OSG by SBT receives third-party identity provider certification for Azure AD Federation
Developed and introduced a BtoB sales support tool using chatbots into our company.
Reduce customer management system registration work by 50% (*1)! SBT thoroughly pursues work style reform
Industry, government, and academia collaborate to build an “Agricultural Data Collaboration Infrastructure (Data Platform)”
Achieving evidence-based, data-based agriculture ahead of the rest of the world, with a foundation for multifaceted data utilization with an eye toward the utilization of big data.
Established disaster leave and expanded the scope of use of accumulated annual paid leave
Enhancing the vacation system and promoting work-life balance for employees
Building and operating support for IoT device development ecosystem provided by Renesas
We provide one-stop services from HW to SW, accompanying services, and cloud development environment necessary for the development of industrial equipment.
Launch of demonstration experiment project to measure stress level using belt-worn IoT device
Collaboration with Daikin Industries and Aoyama Capital to create new value using human biological information
Premium Friday from March onwards, decided to include days other than the last Friday of the month.
On the first Premium Friday, more than half of the participants chose "early arrival," but many issues were also found.
Sitecore “Most Valuable Professional” Award awarded to 5 people, the most in Japan!
Our track record of supporting the construction of CMS/web infrastructure using the cloud and accumulating know-how leads to recognition.
Easily migrate data to kintone! Launch of "Smart at migration"
Data used in Notes can now be transferred as is to kintone apps!
A stage where specialist students can thrive! "Grade Skip System" started
We provide an environment where students with a proven track record and high skills can take on major roles and play an active role even after joining the company as new graduates.
Launched Premium Friday to accelerate work style reform and completed transition to flextime system
Promoting work-life balance under the theme of "Each employee can live a fulfilling life"
Received the Japan Network Security Association's "JNSA Award" special award.
Senior security evangelist Nobuhiro Tsuji's proactive information disclosure through his "one-person CSIRT" is highly praised.
Launched "Smart at drone" to support drone utilization with easy operation
Manage photographic data, maps, and routes all at once, easily create reports, and share information on the cloud!