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Comedian Oideyasu Oda appears in the generative AI service "dailyAI" which will begin streaming its first web commercial on Friday, December 27th

~DailyAI uniquely analyzes Oda's new jokes and important news in a special interview~

SB Technology Corp.

SB Technology Corp. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Shinichi Ata) is pleased to announce that a web commercial featuring comedian Oideyasu Oda will be distributed on Friday, December 27, 2024 for its generative AI service "dailyAI," which can be used in daily business. In addition, starting today, the official YouTube channel has released a behind-the-scenes video featuring the commercial video and a special interview.


■CM Contents

The web commercial "Waiting Room" starts with Oideyasu Oda receiving an explanation from his manager about "dailyAI," a new commercial shoot. "dailyAI" is a generative AI service that helps streamline various tasks, such as summarizing and analyzing text. After the manager explains, "It summarizes and analyzes data within the company," he suddenly summarizes Oda's name, saying, "For example, Oda." Oda interrupts, confused, saying, "Wait a minute, what's Oda?" But the unfazed manager continues to summarize and analyze Oda, saying, "He gets angry easily, and is in the top 10 faces of comedians I hate," and "He has a loud voice but no substance." In response to the manager's harsh analysis, Oda finally explodes with his usual tsukkomi, saying, "You're the one who analyzes!" The exchange between the calm manager and Oda made for an impressive commercial.

■ Distribution and release information

The web commercial will begin streaming on Friday, December 27, 2024.
Starting Monday, December 23, 2024, you can watch the commercial and behind-the-scenes footage on SB Technology Corp. 's YouTube channel.

■ "dailyAI" "Waiting Room"
30 seconds

15 seconds

Behind the Scenes

■ Filming scene

Oideyasu Oda entered the studio with a nervous look on his face. Throughout the shoot, the manager's role was harshly criticizing him, saying, "You get angry easily, and you're in the top 10 faces of comedians I hate," and "You've got a loud voice but no substance." The staff around him even commented, "Poor you." Oideyasu Oda's expression grew increasingly sad, but when the cut signal was given, his face lit up as if he was relieved. It was impressive to see Oideyasu Oda's high level of acting ability as he took the advice from the filming staff seriously and responded to various requests. After Oideyasu Oda's loud voice rang out in the studio, there were even moments of laughter at his passionate acting. The shoot proceeded in a peaceful atmosphere from start to finish.

■Special interview with Oideyasu Oda

Thoughts on the CM
-What are your thoughts on today's commercial shoot?

The tempo down to the second was unique and difficult. I received a lot of acting instruction. There were many scenes where I had to yell, and the staff next to me complained that I was too noisy. I was just acting though (laughs). I apologized and said "I'm sorry" (laughs).
Even so, there were a lot of really nasty lines that were said, like "It's all loud and there's no substance to it." I couldn't help but search for the culprit, thinking, "The person who wrote this line is right here!"

--In the commercial, your manager analyzes you, but what kind of person are you in your own analysis?
When I analyze myself... "loud, shouting, simple, repetitive..." Who the hell would do that!! Hey! (laughs) I think my good side is that I'm "honest". For better or worse, I don't really doubt things.

We asked dailyAI!
We analyzed various things about Oda using the generative AI service "dailyAI"!
--DailyAI teaches you! What's Oda-san's new gag?

"I'm curious," said Oda, excitedly waiting for the analysis. The unexpected answer came out: "Wow, that looks like you put chocolate in curry!" Oda couldn't help but comment on the unexpected joke, saying, "What kind of joke is that? It's a straight man. I don't use long jokes like that!"

- Oda's biggest news of the year as shown by dailyAI
"You're reporting my biggest news? What is that?" Oda asked in surprise, and dailyAI's answer was "Appearing in a movie and MCing." "Eh? MCing? I don't remember doing that. I've appeared in movies, but I don't think I've ever been an MC. Is there a reason?" Oda said. When told the title of an online article in which he served as MC for a preview event, Oda was surprised at the accuracy of dailyAI, saying, "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I did it!" and "The person himself said it was different, but dailyAI was right. I can't say a word!"

Making of images
Making of images
Making of images
Making of images

■Cut data
"dailyAI" "Waiting Room" (15 seconds/30 seconds)

dailyAIWeb-CM Cut
dailyAIWeb-CM Cut
dailyAIWeb-CM Cut
dailyAIWeb-CM Cut
dailyAIWeb-CM Cut
dailyAIWeb-CM Cut
dailyAIWeb-CM Cut
dailyAIWeb-CM Cut
dailyAIWeb-CM Cut
dailyAIWeb-CM Cut

■ Cast Profile

Welcome to Oda

Welcome to Oda
Date of Birth: July 25, 1978
Blood type: A
Birthplace: Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
Hobbies: Basketball
Graduated from/Joined/Enrolled at: NSC Osaka School, 23rd batch

What is dailyAI?

dailyAI is a cloud-based generative AI service for businesses that utilizes Azure OpenAI Service. Not only is the input information not used for learning, but it also has a full range of security features such as user authentication and IP address restrictions, allowing for safe management of important corporate data. In addition to conversations with general generative AI, conversations can also be safely conducted using internal company data such as company regulations and proposals. It also supports the streamlining of daily work, such as summarizing and revising text and searching for information, and the improvement of accuracy in analysis and idea generation. dailyAI is a flat-rate plan that can be used by an unlimited number of users, helping to improve the efficiency of work across the entire company.
"dailyAI": https://www.softbanktech.co.jp/service/list/dailyai/

Contact information regarding this press release

● SB Technology Corp. Public Relations Department
E-mail: sbt-press@tech.softbank.co.jp