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Notice Concerning the Results of the Tender Offer for the Company's Shares by Our Parent Company, SoftBank Corp.

SB Technology Corp.

The tender offer (the "Tender Offer") for the Company's common shares (the "Company Shares") and Stock Acquisition Rights (Note) that was initiated by SoftBank Corp. (the "Offeror"), the Company's controlling shareholder (parent company), on April 26, 2024, was completed on June 11, 2024, and the Company hereby announces the results as follows.


1. Results of the Tender Offer

The Company has today been notified by the Offeror of the results of the Tender Offer, as set forth in the attached "Notice Concerning the Results of the Tender Offer for the Shares, etc. of SB Technology Corp. (Securities Code: 4726)."
As the total number of shares tendered in response to the Tender Offer exceeded the minimum number of shares to be purchased, the Tender Offer has been completed.

2. Future Outlook

Since the Offeror was unable to acquire all of the Company's shares (excluding, however, the Company's shares owned by the Offeror and the treasury stock owned by the Company) and the Stock Acquisition Rights through the Tender Offer SoftBank Corp. The Tender Offeror was unable to acquire all of the Company's shares (excluding the Company's shares held by the Tender Offeror and the treasury stock held by the Company) and all of the Stock Acquisition Rights through the Tender Offer. SoftBank Corp. (After the partial correction of the "Announcement of Opinion in Favor of Tender Offer for Shares, etc. of the Company by the Company's Parent Company and Recommendation for Tendering Shares, etc." released by the Company on May 27, 2024). (5) Policy on matters including organizational restructuring after the Tender Offer (matters concerning the so-called two-step acquisition)" in "3.
As a result of the implementation of such procedures, the Company's shares will be delisted in accordance with the delisting standards stipulated by Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "Tokyo Stock Exchange"). (hereinafter referred to as ""), and the shares of the Company are scheduled to be delisted through the prescribed procedures. After the delisting, the Company's shares cannot be traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange prime market. The specific procedures and timing of the delisting will be announced as soon as they are determined upon consultation with the Tender Offeror.

(Attachment) "Notice Concerning the Results of the Tender Offer for SB Technology Corp. Shares, etc. (Securities Code: 4726)" dated today

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Contact information for inquiries from media regarding this matter

○ SB Technology Corp. Corporate Planning Division Corporate Planning Department
Email: sbt-ir@tech.softbank.co.jp