SB Technology Corp.
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We would like to inform you of the following matters regarding our controlling shareholders, etc.
1. Trade names, etc. of the parent company, controlling shareholder (excluding the parent company), or other affiliated companies
(As of March 31, 2023)
name | attribute | Percentage of voting rights held | Financial instruments exchange, etc. where the issued stock certificate is listed | ||
direct ownership | Amount to be added up | total | |||
SoftBank Group Corp. | Parent company | - | 54.1% (Indirect holding) |
54.1% | Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market, Inc. |
SoftBank Group Japan Corp. | Parent company | - | 54.1% (Indirect holding) |
54.1% | - |
SoftBank Corp. | Parent company | 54.1% | - | 54.1% | Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market, Inc. |
2. Among the parent companies, the name of the company deemed to have the greatest influence on the listed company and the reason thereof
name | reason |
SoftBank Corp. | This is because it is a core company in Japan within the corporate group centered on SoftBank Group, and a company that has a direct impact on the Company. |
3. Position of a listed company within the corporate group of the parent company, etc. and other relationships between the listed company and the parent company, etc.
SoftBank Group operates "Holding Company Investment Business," "SoftBank Vision Fund Business," "SoftBank Business," "Arm Business," and "Other," among which SoftBank, which operates the "SoftBank Business," operates the domestic telecommunications business. We are expanding. Additionally, SBGJ is an intermediate holding company.
As the core ICT services company of the corporate group centered on SoftBank, our company has a corporate philosophy of "Information Revolution - Happiness for everyone `- Technologies Design the Future - and is always striving to acquire the latest ICT technology. I am trying. In order to provide high-quality IT services to our customers, we have been implementing DX ourselves and working on reforms such as improving operational efficiency and reducing costs. We aim to be a business partner that leverages this experience to help our customers grow their core business together. In addition to supporting the IT systems of domestic SoftBank Group companies, our company contributes to the realization of an affluent information society by leveraging synergies with SoftBank Group companies and solving various customer issues with ICT services. I will continue to do so.
As mentioned above, SoftBank Group, SBGJ, and SoftBank are parent companies that own 54.1% of the voting rights of the Company, and are in a position to influence the management decisions of the Company through the exercise of their rights as majority shareholders. However, SoftBank 's group management policy values the independence of its subsidiaries, and aims to create synergies and continue to evolve and grow together while ensuring independence.As a result, the group's corporate value We aim to maximize the Under this policy, we assume management responsibility and manage our business based on our own decision-making, and we believe that a certain degree of independence and autonomy is secured.
Furthermore, two SoftBank employees have been appointed as officers of the Company. The status of concurrent positions of officers is as follows.
post | Name Title | Main positions at the parent company, etc. or its group companies | Reason for appointment |
Member of the Board | Kimihiko Kaneko | General Manager of Technology Planning and Management Division SoftBank Corp. Technology Unit | Our company requested his appointment in order to create mutual synergies with the parent company and strengthen IT collaboration. |
Audit & Supervisory Board Member | Takashi Naito | Executive Officer SoftBank Corp. Head of Finance, General Manager, Finance and Accounting Division Audit & Supervisory Board Member, SB Players Co., Ltd. Audit & Supervisory Board Member, A Holdings Co., Ltd. |
Requested by our company for appointment to exchange information and strengthen monitoring functions, etc. |
Four. Matters related to transactions with controlling shareholders, etc.
There are no applicable matters regarding transactions with SoftBank Group and SBGJ during the current consolidated fiscal year. The details and amount of the transaction with SoftBank are as follows.
Current consolidated fiscal year (from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023)
kinds | Company name or name |
location | capital or investment (One million yen) |
Business details or occupation |
voting rights, etc. Ownership ratio (%) |
Parent company | SoftBank Corp. | Minato Ward, Tokyo | 204,309 | Provision of mobile communication services, sales of mobile devices, provision of fixed communication services, provision of Internet connection services | 54.1 |
Relationship with related parties | Transaction details | Transaction amount (One million yen) |
Subject | Ending balance (One million yen) |
Sale of products, outsourcing, and purchase of communication services | Product sales, system development, technical support, etc. | 20,372 | accounts receivable | 6,425 |
Five. Status of implementation of measures to protect minority shareholders when conducting transactions with controlling shareholders, etc.
As with other business partners, the Company determines selling prices for transactions with its parent company, taking into consideration factors such as the cost of the transaction, selling, general and administrative expenses, appropriate profits, and market trends. Furthermore, the calculation and determination of price conditions are the same as with other business partners.
Contact information for inquiries from media regarding this matter
○ SB Technology Corp. Corporate Planning Division Corporate Planning Department