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Notice regarding confirmation of issuance details of stock acquisition rights (tax-qualified stock options)

SB Technology Corp.

The Company has decided at the Board of Directors meeting held on June 20, 2022 that the stock acquisition rights (tax-qualified stock options) to be issued to the Company's executive directors and employees have not yet been determined. We would like to inform you that the following matters have been confirmed.
The issuance of these stock options (stock acquisition rights) allows our executive directors and employees to enjoy the benefits of increased stock value together with our shareholders, thereby further increasing their motivation and morale to contribute to improving consolidated performance. It is intended for. Our company will continue to promote growth strategies under our management policy of "growing significantly" and increase our corporate value.


1. Persons receiving stock acquisition rights and number of stock acquisition rights to be allotted

Director of our company 3 people 217 pieces
Our employees 9 people 330 pieces

2. Type and number of shares subject to stock acquisition rights

100 shares of our common stock (total number of shares subject to each stock acquisition right is 54,700 shares)

3. Total number of stock acquisition rights to be issued

547 pieces

Four. Value of assets to be invested upon exercise of stock acquisition rights

227,400 yen per stock acquisition right (2,274 yen per share)

(For your reference)
For the issuance requirements for stock acquisition rights other than those mentioned above, please refer to the “Notice regarding the issuance of stock acquisition rights (tax-qualified stock options)” dated June 20, 2022.

■ You can download the PDF of this release from below.

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Contact information for inquiries from media regarding this matter

○ SB Technology Corp. Corporate Planning Division Corporate Planning Department
Email: sbt-ir@tech.softbank.co.jp