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Notice regarding revisions to full-year performance forecasts

SB Technology Corp.

We would like to inform you that at the board of directors meeting held today, the Company resolved to revise the consolidated business forecast announced on April 27, 2020 as follows.


1. Regarding revisions to performance forecasts

Revision of consolidated financial forecast figures for the full year ending March 2021 (April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021)

Net sales Operating income Ordinary profit Net income attributable to owners of parent company Net income per share
Previously announced forecast (A) One million yen
One million yen
One million yen
One million yen
yen coin
Expected announcement this time (B) 69,000 3,700 3,700 2,100 104.72
Increase/decrease amount (B-A) 7,000 100 100
Rate of change(%) 11.3% 2.8% 2.8% 0%
(Reference) Previous period results
(Fiscal year ending March 2020)
58,324 3,035 3,033 1,856 92.56

2. Reason for revision of earnings forecast

Sales increased due to expansion of vendor management projects for SoftBank and new consolidated subsidiaries. Despite upfront investments, operating income and ordinary income are expected to exceed the previous forecast due to increased profits due to the effects of increased sales.

(Note) The above forecasts have been prepared based on information currently available to the Group, so please be aware that actual results may differ due to various future factors.

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  • *The company names, product names, and service names mentioned in this release are trademarks or registered trademarks of our company or each company or organization.
  • Contact information for inquiries from media regarding this matter

    ○ SB Technology Corp. Corporate Planning Division Corporate Planning Department
    Email: sbt-ir@tech.softbank.co.jp