Cybertrust Japan invests in Japan Cybersecurity Fund No. 1 Investment Limited Partnership to promote strengthening business security
Cybertrust Japan 's Public Root CA for Server Certificates Receives Mozilla Approval
Cybertrust Japan Strengthens Cyber Attack Countermeasures Using AlmaLinux SBOM
Cybertrust Japan Launches Vulnerability Investigation Service for Embedded Devices to Support Vulnerability Response After Product Shipment
M-SOLUTIONS Receives "kintone Enterprise Partner Certification"
Launch of the latest version of Zabbix-based system monitoring software "MIRACLE ZBX 7.0" and 10-year long-term support
Launched "Smart at reception for FACTORY," a reception system for factories.
Cybertrust Japan "iTrust Identity Verification Service" and Pocket Change's "Pokepay" collaborate to achieve strict identity verification
Simplex and Cybertrust Japan have collaborated on technology to achieve strict online identity verification using DMM FX My Number cards.
kintone plugin "Smart at AI" and "krewSheet" are now linked
Winner of the "Special Award" at the CYBOZU AWARD 2024
Contec's high-performance FA computer is equipped with Cybertrust Japan 's clustering software and is being used as a log server for social infrastructure systems.
Cybertrust Japan 's "iTrust Identity Verification Service" adopted by My Number management one-stop service "MinaOne"
Cybertrust Japan 's "iTrust Remote Signature Service" has been enhanced to support XAdES
Terminal authentication service "Cybertrust Japan Device ID" links with Canon ITS' cloud-based integrated ID management service
Cybertrust Japan to support identity verification using public personal authentication by linking smartphones with JPKI-compatible web browsers
NEC and Cybertrust Japan strengthen collaboration to promote digital trust
Latest version of Cybertrust Japan 's enterprise system backup product now supports Lenovo's ThinkAgile HX series/MX certified nodes
The latest version of clustering software for AlmaLinux is now available.
Started linking "moconavi LGWAN Cloud Gateway Service" with "16 types of kintone-related services" provided by M-SOLUTIONS