~ Utilizing IoT devices compatible with the automatic emergency call service (automatic eCall) mandated in the EU ~
SBI General Insurance Co., Ltd.
SB C&S Corp.
SoftBank Technology Corp.
Bosch Corporation
SBI General Insurance Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Yuichi Shimazu) and SB C&S Corp. (formerly known as SoftBank Commerce & Service Corp., Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Mizoguchi) Yasuo) aims to analyze driving behavior data collected from devices compatible with the automatic emergency call service (automatic eCall)* and provide various telematics services that support drivers' safe car lives, targeting SBI Group stakeholders. The demonstration experiment will be conducted from February 2019.
In this experimental environment provided by SB C&S Corp., we used the Telematics eCall Plug, a device compatible with automatic emergency call services (automatic eCall) sold by Bosch Corporation (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Klaus Mader). ” and “IoT Core Connect,” a platform service that connects the services necessary for IoT utilization provided by SoftBank Technology Corp. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President & CEO: Shinichi Ata) has been adopted.
Bosch Corporation's "Telematics eCall Plug" uses a 3-axis acceleration sensor to detect collisions in addition to driving behavior data such as braking, acceleration/deceleration, and steering operation.
SoftBank Technology Corp. 's "IoT Core Connect" is capable of collecting, storing, and analyzing data sent from devices.
Based on the results of this demonstration experiment, SBI General Insurance Co., Ltd. will analyze the collected data and consider developing innovative services that improve driver safety and convenience, such as telematics insurance. SB C&S Corp., Ltd. promotes the development of telematics services that utilize data and delivery to domestic companies.
*A service that enables automatic notification to an emergency phone number in the event of a vehicle collision. In the European Union (EU), all new cars will be required to be equipped with it from March 31, 2018.
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