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Report on the 32nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

SB Technology Corp.

SB Technology Corp. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President & CEO: Shinichi Ata, hereinafter referred to as SBT) announced the management policy "Management Policy" as related information for the 32nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 26, 2020. We have published related materials such as "explanatory materials" and "live streaming videos" on our website, and we would like to report them below.

■ Date and time
Friday, June 26, 2020 16:00 pm

■ Venue
Live streaming via SB Technology Headquarters and Microsoft Teams

The 32nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders was held as a hybrid virtual general meeting, live-streamed using Microsoft Teams, a hub for team collaboration in Microsoft 365, in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. did. In addition, we accepted advance requests for the exercise of voting rights and questions at the general meeting of shareholders.

At the general meeting, the chairperson (Chikaichi Ata, Representative Director, President and CEO) provided an explanation of the matters to be reported. The resolutions were approved and passed as originally proposed.
In addition, an explanation was given about the progress of the third medium-term management plan, which is in its second year.

▼ Presentation materials, an overview of the general meeting of shareholders including Q&A sessions, and live streaming video of the day are available on our website.

Contact information for inquiries from media regarding this matter

○ SB Technology Corp. Corporate Planning Division Corporate Planning Department
Email: sbt-ir@tech.softbank.co.jp