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Report on the 30th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

SoftBank Technology Corp.

SoftBank Technology Corp. (SBT) has published "Management Policy Explanation Materials" and other information on its website as related information to the 30th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 18, 2018. Please report below. I will do it.

◆Date and time◆
Monday, June 18, 2018 10:00 a.m.

SoftBank Technology Headquarters Seminar Room

At the 30th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, the chairman (President & CEO Chikaichi Ata) provided an explanation regarding the matters to be reported. The resolutions were approved and passed as originally proposed.

In addition, at the general meeting of shareholders, we will discuss the issues that our company needs to address, such as ``consolidation to the cloud'', ``development of IoT business'', and ``establishment of a strong revenue base'', with the aim of establishing a second plan in the form of more specific management policies. The progress of the three-year plan (from March 2017 to March 2019) and future prospects were explained.

▼ Presentation materials and a summary of the general meeting of shareholders, including Q&A sessions, are available on our website.

SBT will continue to aim for "big growth" and aim to improve business growth and corporate value by contributing to the growth of our customers' core businesses as a business partner.

Contact information for inquiries from media regarding this matter

○ SoftBank Technology Corp. Corporate Planning Division Corporate Planning Department
Email: sbt-ir@tech.softbank.co.jp